Organizers |
Institution |
Mike Hallett | McGill University |
Sarah Jenna | Université de Québec à Montréal |
David Thomas | McGill University |
Invitees |
Brenda Andrews | University of Toronto | Study of cell cycle and cell division in budding yeast |
Suzana Anjos | McGill University | Cystic fibrosis, response-to-chemical gene expression signatures |
Bill Balch | The Scripps Research Institute | Protein trafficking and misfolding disease |
Margarethe Biong | Norwegian Radium Hospital | Associations between genotype profiles and breast cancer risk factors |
Rich Bonneau | New York University | Peptide design |
Fabiana Ciciriello | McGill University | Cystic fibrosis, response-to-chemical gene expression signatures |
Vanessa Dumeaux | University of Tromso | Epidemiology of Environmental Exposures in Cancer |
Elias Epp | McGill University | Fungal genomics, antifungal synergy |
Guri Giaever | University of Toronto | Chemical genomics |
Sara JC Gosline | McGill University | Probabilistic models of endoplasmic reticulum quality control |
Gregor Jansen | McGill University | Chemogenomic profiling, antifungal synergy |
Danielle Kemmer | McGill University | The study of orphan diseases via chemical genomics |
Hege BK Landmark-Høyvik | Norwegian Radium Hospital | Blood gene expression to investigate response to and late side effects of radiotherapy |
Anna Y Lee | McGill University | Predicting antifungal synergy and therapeutic targets for genetic disorders |
Sébastien Lemieux | Université de Montréal | Functional and structural bioinformatics |
Nicolas Moitessier | McGill University | Chemo-informatics |
Corey Nislow | University of Toronto | Chemical genomics |
Dana Pe'er | Columbia University | Computational systems biology |
Lekha Sleno | Université de Québec à Montréal | Metabolome, drug metabolism and mass spectrometry |
Jérome Waldispühl | McGill University | Predicting the structures of proteins and RNAs |
Dan Zilberstein | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Leishmaniasis |