01 Jul 2024

This working session will take place from February 7 - February 14, 2025

This year, we will bring together ~50 researchers and trainees to discuss new methods and cutting-edge approaches for high-throughput sequencing analysis. The theme is virus and microbial genomics Technologies to profile these extremely complex communities of ‘’small organisms’’ have developed very quickly and it is now routine and cost effective to sample the microbiome across a broad range of domains.

The days are organized as discussions around specific themes, with one-on-one exchanges between experts and trainees. The invitees this year cover domains such as the microbiome of the human gut/oral/respiratory/urogenital in the context of health and disease; clinical metagenomics; of animals in relation to food production systems; the microbiome and diet; fungal viruses; approaches for identifying new microbes. The meeting will also cover high-throughput systems level approaches for studying microbes including genetic screens, single-cell bacterial/fungal profiling, microfluidic sample handling, improved CRISPR/CasX modification toolkits, synthetic biology along with core biostatistical computational approaches including generative modeling in microscopy, sample decomposition and compositional data (CODA) analyses.